Committees consider matters on behalf of the Commission in order to make recommendations for action by the Commission. They are designed to allow for extended dialogue about proposed projects and issues. Commissioners and community members are encouraged to participate in these meetings.
All Committee Meetings are publicly announced at least 7 days in advance and open to the public.
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Transportation and Public Space (TPS)
The Transportation and Public Space (TPS) Committee may advise the Commission on issues relating to:
District Department of Transportation (DDOT), and
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).
The Committee may additionally advise the Commission on traffic and public space related issues in regards to the Department of Public Works (DPW), Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), and Department of General Services (DGS).
The Committee may advise on other public transportation or public space related proposals, including hearing from public space permit applicants and making recommendations for support or disapproval of the permit application, developing transportation and public space-related letters, and resolutions for the Commission’s consideration.
This Committee shall establish a tracking mechanism and schedule to follow up and report on 311 requests, work orders, and other requests which impact areas/entities within the Commission borders. Items shall be added if determined to have importance to the Commission or upon request by any Commissioner.
More information on TPS may be found on the TPS page.
Communications & Outreach (C&O)
The Communications & Outreach (C&O) Committee shall provide the Commission:
Specific proposals, including a budget, schedule, and milestones (as applicable), for any initiative to communicate with, or provide outreach to, the Commission area;
Recommendations, and written copy and photos (if applicable) for website updates;
A draft newsletter, for the Commission to review, on a regular basis;
A draft Annual Report by the last public meeting of the Commission prior to December 1, to meet the requirements of DC Code 1-309.10 (n-1); and
An update to the Commission at least monthly, inclusive of any projects in execution.
If any proposals require the expenditure of funds, they shall require a vote approving the proposal by the Commission before any funds are committed. No reimbursements shall be provided if made without prior authorization.
The committee liaison may authorize release of communications and outreach materials via appropriate channels on the Commission’s behalf.
The committee may solicit feedback and engage with the community to develop and improve Communications and Outreach initiatives.
The committee, if directed by the Secretary, shall assist with any responsibilities of the Secretary.
The committee liaison shall be the Secretary.
More information on C&O may be found on the C&O page.
Alcohol and Cannabis Licensing (ACL)
The Committee may advise the Commission on issues relating to the DC Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Administration (ABCA), including:
Tracking and soliciting community feedback regarding new licenses, license changes, and license renewals within ANC 5B or close enough to ANC 5B where the Commission has party status
Tracking complaints and violations of establishments within ANC 5B or close enough to ANC 5B where the Commission would have party status
Working with Commissioners to negotiate and maintain settlement agreements on behalf of the Commission with ABCA-licensed establishments
Assisting Commissioners and community members on ABCA-related issues; and as designated, representing ANC 5B in ABCA proceedings.
More information on ACL may be found on the ACL page.